Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes

Every year brings new mistakes. In recent years, several
of the worst mistakes in Web design related to poor email
integration. The number one mistake,however, was lack
of pricing information , followedby overly literal search
engines.As the Web grows , websites continue to come up
with ways to annoyusers.Following are ten design mistakes
that wereparticularly good at punishing users and costingsite
owners business in recent years.I read one blog here the link Read and

Top Ten Errors in Java

I found an article on whaich was about Java Program
..Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make author lists the top
ten the J avaprogrammers make during coding.The
number one mistake is Nullpointers.I agreed with the
author because I always get theNullPointerException
during source code compilation.

I found an article on whaich was about Java Program.........Top Ten

Errors Java Programmers Make . The

author lists the top ten the J avaprogrammers make during coding.

The number one mistake is Nullpointers . I agreed with the author

because I always get the NullPointerException during source code
