Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Gmail account has been hacked from US unknown IP .............I m gone!!!

Oh my Allah !!! today I have logged in my gmail account
around 10 am.One red message from Google, ur account
accessed from this US unknown Ip.................that means
I m gone .

First time in my life it happened......................On that time
immediately I have changed my password.But one question
came my mind that why hacking and cracking?!Some body
entered my account and whatever he liked to do .................
he done..................shame for bad technological guy...........
shame for them.

I dont know how much harm he or she has done in my gmail
account. Can anyone tell me what would be the solution for
next generation future security thread from hacking or .......

One very good example that I m telling now .................

Sarah Palin's E-Mail Hacked,publish on website......................

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s private
e-mail account has been hacked, and is being widely read
on a website going by the name of gawker.com.
A Fox.....
News report said that the web site has published family ...
photos and snapshots of e-mail exchanges the Alaska......
governor had with her colleagues.Gawker says the-email..
account has since been shut down, but it will leave the....
images up on its site for all to see.

Leave now Sarah Palin................now think my condition
what should I tell technology is blessing and also curse...
So please all my friends............. request that dont harm
any one intentionally that may cause great problem of.....